North American | European

Rob Lion of Royal Surfboards and Paul Smith of Glide Surfboards in Cork, Ireland meet with Zephaniah Carrigg, purveyor of functional and beautiful surf craft, on a recent visit to the island. Photos: Danny O'Callaghan

Mat Arney hooks up with some old friends to go feral on the Arabian Peninsula and hunt down some truly isolated swell. Words & photos: Mat Arney

Two of the most influential people on the surf-inspired art scene, Jeff Raglus and Gerry Wedd have been making their mark on everything from surfboards to teapots since the 1970s. Thirty years later, they're still as productive as ever... Words: Tommy Leitch Photos: Jamie Bott

Crime and punishment, it's all relative. A brush with the law is nothing more for most of us than a speeding fine or curt telling off, but we're a very privileged bunch... Words & photos: Carly Lorente

One of the great things about surfing in this current era is the wide acceptance of different board designs. Over the last 10 years, it has become acceptable to pretty much ride anything from surfmat to singlefin, fish to longboard. Words: Chris Preston Photo (2): Dan Crockett

Jimmy Newitt pays homage to one of South Devon's treasures - not a break but a surfer who stands tall in the crowd. Words: Jimmy Newitt Photos: Ollie Howe

Bonzers take Europe

May 17, 2010 | Words By: Mark

bonzer_brothers_80sThis spring, Malcolm Campbell will be heading to Europe for an extensive shaping tour.
• Portugal, 13-22 May (contact Manila Surfboard Design at [email protected])
• France, 24 May – 3 June (contact UWL Surfboards at [email protected])
• England, late June through mid July (Guy Penwarden at [email protected])


The importance of a good work ethic

October 21, 2009 | Words By: The CELL

malcolm-shapingIn the commercial and industrialised operation that global surfboard production has become, the value of people and community have largely been lost. Recently we had the opportunity to chat to Malcolm Campbell, the creator of the Bonzer (a Drift feature is on its way), about his views on the globalisation of the surfboard industry. Words: Steve Croft & Mark Sankey, photos: Alexa Poppe.