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June 14, 2010 | Words By: The CELL

linear-moon-smallThe school of cool grows, feasting on pop-culture’s be-pop carcass and spewing its chic, middle-mass maw. Swinging some oh-so-cool bumper sticker preaching a beach-blanket candy-coated funk jibe that oozes a calculated economic call to the holier-than-thou So Cal cats that cradle the new dollar; greenwashing words on the way to the middle marches. [words and pictures by Mark Dickinson]



January 13, 2010 | Words By: The CELL

openerHaving recently been out of my normal surroundings, whatever that means, I had a chance to reflect on (my) surfing, and the path it has created. I am sure I am not alone either, as many people find that if they weren’t liquidly addicted, they may have vastly unhealthy lives. Too much rich food, the race for wealth and baubles, and the pursuit of social happiness leads many of us astray from the simple gestures of life and its small lessons. [Words & pic by Rob Lion]


Experience otherness

November 14, 2009 | Words By: The CELL

openSurf trips are as much about the expanse of sky and the stars as they are about the horizon, water, the ocean and the waves. They’re as much about eating as about riding waves, and as much about walking as driving.


The importance of a good work ethic

October 21, 2009 | Words By: The CELL

malcolm-shapingIn the commercial and industrialised operation that global surfboard production has become, the value of people and community have largely been lost. Recently we had the opportunity to chat to Malcolm Campbell, the creator of the Bonzer (a Drift feature is on its way), about his views on the globalisation of the surfboard industry. Words: Steve Croft & Mark Sankey, photos: Alexa Poppe.


Legitimisation & the board industry

September 03, 2009 | Words By: The CELL

drift-imageIt’s always difficult to factor the problems of global market economies, or to give accountable and workable alternatives to mass consumerism fed by unsustainable production methods.

(words Mark Dickinson photos Ollie Banks)