North American | European

Rob Lion of Royal Surfboards and Paul Smith of Glide Surfboards in Cork, Ireland meet with Zephaniah Carrigg, purveyor of functional and beautiful surf craft, on a recent visit to the island. Photos: Danny O'Callaghan

Chris Preston chats to longboard maestro Steve Walden about his disappointment with the lack of recognition for the longboarding scene, what makes the Magic model magic, and working with GSI. Photos: Jamie Bott

Two of the most influential people on the surf-inspired art scene, Jeff Raglus and Gerry Wedd have been making their mark on everything from surfboards to teapots since the 1970s. Thirty years later, they're still as productive as ever... Words: Tommy Leitch Photos: Jamie Bott

Highs and lows in Morocco. Photos and words by Dan Crockett.

Tucked away at the top of a hill near Gwenver beach in Cornwall, Skewjacks was the definitive 1970s surf camp. Drift took four of its founding fathers - Dicky, Harvey, Jamo and Mickey - to the pub and reminisced about good times gone by. Words: Jamie Bott Credit & thanks to Graham Shephard & Mel Sedgwick

Ian Battrick and Tim Nunn take a journey around the North Atlantic isle of Iceland to put the finishing touches to their book, out this Autumn. Join them on their journey.
Photos Tim Nunn and Ian Battrick Words Tim Nunn

Stories from the North Sea

June 20, 2010 | Words By: Chris Mcclean

doggerlandThe North Sea has a rich if somewhat short and inconsistent surfing history. Like the inconsistent waves that grace our Northerly shores. From hidden world-class spots to thumping beach-breaks and from ex-world champs to heroic explorers. The North Sea has its fair share of varied landscapes, classic spots, characters, legends, and myths.


An insight into my world

July 04, 2009 | Words By: Ali

alison mcmullon

From a very young age I have been passionate about photography. As a child I would pick up newspapers and magazines, religiously flicking from cover to cover in search of a single photograph that could describe a complex story, studying the image for some time, before turning to the accompanying text.