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James Bowden kissed goodbye to Blighty and set off for Tasmania's wild in January this year. He shares some of his findings along the way with his own distinctive style.

When legendary longboard designer Bob McTavish came to Devon recently as part of TIKI's international shaper tour, Chris Preston couldn't resist the opportunity to quiz him about the technicalities of board design... Photos: Jamie Bott

The Mentawais have given a lot to surfers; now it's time to give something back. Kate and Luke Gerson celebrate the beauty of these islands and highlight the continued need for aid following the recent earthquake.

...in the age of the programmable hand. San Diego's Josh Hall explains why he has chosen to tread the well-worn path of hand-shaping, in conversation with Andy Smith. Photos: Garrett Highhouse, T. Colla, Ryan Tatar

Self-confessed board hoarder Chris Preston expounds the delights to be found within his tardis-like garden shed, and explains how he came to favour the quiver approach to surfing. Photos by Jamie Bott [except no.3].

A world away from the average commercial surf competition, pushy dads and nervous groms, generations share the stoke at a contest that celebrates the original Hawaiian spirit. This is truly a unique perspective in surfing. Photos: Yves S

Cotty joins Tiki’s crew

May 10, 2011 | Words By: Staff Writer

Tiki International, the Devon based wetsuit and surfboard company, have added Andrew Cotton to their team.

Cotton has developed a reputation for discovering and charging big cold waves, notably being one of the first tow crews to take on the heavy lefts of Mullaghmore in Ireland. More recently Cotty and tow partner Al Mennie, pioneered the lastest Irish big wave discovery, Prowlers.

Cotty joins Tiki's crew

Cotty joins Tiki wetsuit R&D team; a team centered around the slabs and tow waves of Ireland and North Scotland.

Tiki said: ‘Having Cotty on board adds weight to our commitment to cold water charging. As a British company we have always focussed on cold water performance. To genuinely test our equipment in the most extreme environment, you need surfers out there regularly surfing cold, heavy water spots. Cotty joins our other test pilots: Mitch Corbett UK currently in North Scotland, Barry Mottershead SA based in Ireland and Rick Willmett AUS currently holed up in South Tasmania.’


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