North American | European

James Bowden recently explored the farthest shores of the British Isles, taking nothing more than his van, good friends and good expectations. He recounts his journey through the lens...

One of the great things about surfing in this current era is the wide acceptance of different board designs. Over the last 10 years, it has become acceptable to pretty much ride anything from surfmat to singlefin, fish to longboard. Words: Chris Preston Photo (2): Dan Crockett

The Mentawais have given a lot to surfers; now it's time to give something back. Kate and Luke Gerson celebrate the beauty of these islands and highlight the continued need for aid following the recent earthquake.

Drift checks in with Andrew Crockett following the release of the much-anticipated 'Switch-Foot II', a tribute to surfing's counter-culture.

A shaper with a real passion for his craft, Tyler Hatzikian has consistently refused to compromise the quality or the integrity of his work in order to make a quick buck. He talked to Drift about nose-riding, refining longboard design and his reluctance to take the limelight. Words & photos: Jamie Bott

Chris Preston chats to Neil Randall of if6was9 about his radical take on traditional board design, Noosa's retro vibe, and his love of vintage style. Photos Dane Peterson


July 14, 2010 | Words By: Howard

Ulu by Photogerson.com Our friends at Photogerson.com have just sent us a warming and fascinating set of photos of the Mentawai people. Luke and Kate have been in Indonesia for some time, you may remember last year we published their photo essay of the Mentawais.

Luke writes… We’ve just gotten back from a few days in the jungle with our friend Hendri. It’s something that we’ve wanted to do for a while. A few hours upriver in a small canoe, a muddy trek for an hour or so, and a step back in time.

The Mentawai people are known for having on of the world’s most fascinating and preserved indigenous cultures. Living in the ulu (jungle), they’re completely in tune with their environment. For a pair of city slickers like us, it was a humbling experience and something not easily forgotten.

For now the modern world has little relevance to this remote part of the world, but traditions are slowly eroding. It may be that the Mentawai way of life may soon be a thing of the past.

Happy hunting

Happy hunting

Tools of the trade

Tools of the trade

Keeping watch. cooking sagu over the flames

Keeping watch. cooking sagu over the flames

Sikerei - mentawai medicine man

Sikerei - mentawai medicine man

This aint no master chef - preparing poison

This aint no master chef - preparing poison

Poison arrows

Poison arrows

Harbour masters

Harbour masters

Family portrait

Family portrait

Flavour country

Flavour country

Bye bye Mentawai

Bye bye Mentawai

If you’re interested in learning more, our friend Rob spent a year living in the Mentawai. He’s finalising a documentary project at the moment - check the trailer on his website (or watch below) and subscribe to his mailing list.


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