Tyler Warren's star is burning bright; his images feature prominently in magazines and his name's on everyone's lips right now, yet he pilots a steady course through the hype. Words: Chris Preston Photos: Kyle MacLennan

Mark Leary's latest work deviates sharply from the usual surf photography portfolio, celebrating as it does the commonplace, everyday aspects of surfing instead of monster swells and awesome barrels. Chris Preston chats to him about moments captured.

Mat Arney hooks up with some old friends to go feral on the Arabian Peninsula and hunt down some truly isolated swell. Words & photos: Mat Arney

"I'm not interested in formulae when it comes to surfing and art." Ryan Lovelace talks to Chris Preston about trusting your eyes, hands, and feet, and adding another leaf to the weird-hull-alternative-vibe-tree. Photos: Morgan Maasen, Brandon DiPierri & Ryan Lovelace

Looking to the future with an eye firmly on the past, Tom Wegener has reintroduced the transport of kings to surfing's elite. His boards are works of art, but it's his veg patch that really floating Tom's boat right now... Words: Tommy Leitch Photos: Jamie Bott

A world away from the average commercial surf competition, pushy dads and nervous groms, generations share the stoke at a contest that celebrates the original Hawaiian spirit. This is truly a unique perspective in surfing. Photos: Yves S

Quiver me timbers

February 22, 2012 | Words By: Mat Arney

On most of the rare occasions that I end up in an ice cream parlour I get vanilla ice cream. My friends used to call me Mr Plain when I did this, but I disagreed.

Vanilla’s a flavour after all; plain ice cream would just be milk flavour. It wasn’t that I only ever chose vanilla ice cream, it’s just that vanilla was my go-to flavour. I’d tried other flavours but preferred vanilla, and every now and then if I felt like something different then I’d have that instead and mix it up a bit. I’d claim that exactly the same thing applies to surfboards.

Cornish photographer Karl Mackie took this photo of his Australian friend Tim Crabtree when they had a Cornish summer staycation in 2011, when rather than going off on a trip they stayed put at home and shaped a stack of boards each.

A shipment of fresh joistiks upon arrival in Cornwall after the long journey from Australia, about to be divvied out to some excited surfers.

If you only ever surfed the same surfboard then there’s no doubt that in one way or another you’d be restricting your surfing. If your board was ideally suited to your local surf spot then the chances are that if you went to a different spot, either home or abroad, your surfboard wouldn’t be the best horse for that course. And what about when the surf is ankle-slappingly small? Or terrifyingly huge? Then what? Your 6’2″ x 18 1/2″ x 2 1/4″ squash tail probably wouldn’t be doing you any favours; you’d be grovelling and flapping around in the small stuff and paddling yourself into a too-little too-late air drop straight to oblivion when it got big. Surfing the same surfboard all the time isn’t as good as surfing the same surfboard most of the time and surfing other boards every now and then when the conditions call for it.

That’s why I think it’s worthwhile, over time, collecting a few different surfboards to give you a range of options. You might choose a fully functional but minimal travel quiver with a small wave weapon, a standard shortboard and a semi-gun for when it starts to intimidate (because if you go away for a surf trip with just one surfboard then in reality you’re probably kidding yourself and you’re going on a holiday but you might sneak a surf in, unless you’re travelling really light), or you could set yourself up for every eventuality at home. You might want to try out all of the different feelings that you can get from riding waves by getting your hands on every weird and wonderful wave riding vehicle or fad that you can. It depends on a a variety of factors.

Former ASP world champion (1982 & 1984) Tom Carrol once claimed that he couldn’t tell the difference between a squash tail, a square tail and a swallow tail when he was surfing and defied most surfers to be able to notice a difference. So unless you’re a tour chasing professional who doesn’t have to pay for their sticks and snaps them within the first week, there seems little point in getting a stack of for all intents and purposes identical boards with a 16th of an inch added here or shaved off there. Having a couple of different boards to cater for a variety of circumstances, from tiny summer beachbreak surf or a trip to peak season Indo, would surely be a bit wiser and allow you to surf to the very best of your ability with confidence in what’s under your feet, whatever the Ocean throws at you. Horses for courses, even if you do choose vanilla most of the time.

At least, that’s the excuse that I use for being so cash poor and surfboard rich.

When I joined my friends from Surfing Dubai for an exploratory trip down the Arabian Peninsula we piled every single surfboard under the sun into the back of Scott’s enormous truck (Scott’s not particularly pint sized, that Chevrolet is truly massive) - everything from hand planes through shortboards, an alaia, a 70′s single fin and a stand-up paddle board - planning for every eventuality and not leaving a whole lot of space for camping gear.

My friend Harry from Surf Simply: 6’0 x 185 lbs, then from left to right:

- 6’1 x 18 3/4 x 2 1/4, 28.5 liters Round pin, single concave, thruster

Step-up - 6’0 x 19 x 2 3/8, 27 liters Round Diamond, single to double 5 boxes, quad fins set inboard

Standard shortie - 5’10 x 19 3/4 x 2 3/8, 29 liters Double wing pin, single to double 5 boxes, quad fins on rail

Small wave ripper - 5’10 x 21 1/4 x 2 5/8, lots of liters Big swallow, Flat to Vee Keel fin twin

All these boards were shaped by Paul Walters of Black and White Surfboards.

When my friend Alex spent the winter of 2010 on the North Shore of Oahu he called in some Hawaii contacts and was put up by a friend of a friend who was a pillar of the North Shore surfing community. How’s the ceiling of the guy’s living room?

The contents of my stable, Autumn 2011. Cash poor, surfboard rich and totally ok with it.

Visit my blog at matarney.blogspot.com


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