A sign on the 130-year-old pier at Saltburn-by-the-Sea warns people not to jump off it. On a big surf day surfers make their way to the end of the sturdy 206 metre structure and jump like lemmings into the cold, murky North Sea. Words: Simon Palmer Photos: Ian Forsyth

Drift tracked down Mark Jeremias and Jason Baffa, directors of ‘Singlefin: Yellow’, to talk about their new project, ‘One California Day’, and find out their thoughts on surf culture and tradition from Crescent City to Imperial Beach. Words: Jamie Bott

James Bowden recently explored the farthest shores of the British Isles, taking nothing more than his van, good friends and good expectations. He recounts his journey through the lens...

Chris Preston chats to longboard maestro Steve Walden about his disappointment with the lack of recognition for the longboarding scene, what makes the Magic model magic, and working with GSI. Photos: Jamie Bott

Portugal explodes onto the global big wave circuit with a handful of household names and a freakish wave canyon. Photos: Jorge Leal and Wilson Ribeiro.

Ian Battrick and Tim Nunn take a journey around the North Atlantic isle of Iceland to put the finishing touches to their book, out this Autumn. Join them on their journey.
Photos Tim Nunn and Ian Battrick Words Tim Nunn

Surfilmfestibal 10

February 17, 2012 | Words By: Staff Writer

Surfilmfestibal reaches its tenth edition in June 2012, so ti tiem to get your entries over to the festival. You’ve got untill April 1st, no joke.

The festival is holding its 10th anniversary in 2012. This year Surfilmfestibal is designing a special “quiver” of events to celebrate such a special edition.

They are open to receive your latest productions, starting now until April 1st. You can send them your works, short films, micro films, feature length, any format or length is accepted. Radical surfing, big barrels in OZ, huge drops in Hawaii, minuscule waves in the Baltic Sea, bullshit EuroTrash surfing, documentaries, fiction, and of course anything unusual. They are all serious contenders to be part of the festival. So fill in the entry form and get involved.

A jury comprising some of the finest minds on the surf scene will see your work. If you happen to kill it, you might take home some of the prizes in the different categories.

For more information visit the web site.


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