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Suggested finless surfing criteria

March 03, 2011 | Words By: Tom W

Tom Wegener’s suggested alaia style surfing criteria for the new finless competitions.

Guidance if you’re holding a finless event anywhere.


  1. so stoked to see this tom

  2. Why does this kind of surfing Need to be judged at all? is all surfing a contest?

  3. Because it is REALLY FUN!!! Getting several hundred good friends together for a design pow-wow, comp and party is the surfing highlight of the year. The criteria - we are looking at this amazing surfing we are developing and talking about it - because we love it a lot!

    Tom Wegener

  4. Oficina de Hechos says:

    Matt Williams is the best finless surfer ever.

  5. cashforsoul says:

    thx for going main stream, keep the stoke for the underground!

  6. Tom , Lets include some prone rules …. about time you came back over with the gang again ! x

  7. Harddartz ,,,pretty to ride,pretty to look at,nd pretty ampt for Noosa 2012.
    Catch you there!



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