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Have Camera will Travel

August 19, 2014 | Words By:

There’s no swell he’s surfed, nor photo snapped, nor destination explored, that hasn’t inspired incredible wanderlust, translated through the stunning adventures documented by modern explorer Chris Burkard.

“Have Camera Will Travel” — Is an exclusive online Huckberry shop curated by Chris himself, which includes everything you’ll need to step behind the lens, step outside your comfort zone and get off the grid in parts unknown. From rugged camera portaging gear by Kenti and Mountainsmith, to Chris’ hand-picked Olloclip and Peak Design accessories for capturing that perfect snapshot, the shop includes special pricing on everything you’ll need to document the adventure of a lifetime. But Chris doesn’t just get off the grid — he lives off the grid too, so the shop includes a bevy of mission-critical essentials like Gerber field tools and water-sterilizers from Steripen. And for those of you content with a vicarious adventure, you can also find some of Chris’ best framed prints along with several of his published works like Distant Shores: Surfing the Ends of the Earth.

From the frigid shores of Iceland and Russia, to the arid sands of Central America, if there’s epic surf and a story to be told, you can rest assured Chris has already been there.

To visit the Chris Burkard / Huckberry shop click here

Watch Chris in some Arctic action here




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