Gran Canaria is already a favourite getaway for many Europeans. Year-round sunshine, virtually no rain and an abundance of home comforts have the tourists flocking in by the thousands. But Drift discovered a far better reason to visit - literally hundreds of hidden surf spots that can be yours alone to enjoy all year round.

Follow Alexandra Gossink as she uncovers the true Morocco. Photo credits: Geert-Jan Middelkoop, Martijn Lansdaal & Alexandra Gossink

Chris Preston chats to longboard maestro Steve Walden about his disappointment with the lack of recognition for the longboarding scene, what makes the Magic model magic, and working with GSI. Photos: Jamie Bott

In Senegal the deserts of North Africa meet the jungles of the tropics. It's an open–minded Islamic country of many cultural experiences and idiosyncrasies; it's also one of the safest and democratic countries in Africa. And of course there's the surf... Words: Mark Sankey Photos: Alexa Poppe

Drift checks in with Andrew Crockett following the release of the much-anticipated 'Switch-Foot II', a tribute to surfing's counter-culture.

Self-confessed board hoarder Chris Preston expounds the delights to be found within his tardis-like garden shed, and explains how he came to favour the quiver approach to surfing. Photos by Jamie Bott [except no.3].

Surfboards come in all shapes and sizes, but none quite so unusual as the Meyerhoffer Peanut. Is this revolutionary design born of genius or madness? Chris Stevens finds out. [Photos 1, 3 & 8 by Chris Stevens; 4 & 7 by Nick Allen]

James Bowden kissed goodbye to Blighty and set off for Tasmania's wild in January this year. He shares some of his findings along the way with his own distinctive style.

Bing Copeland was a pioneer of the modern surf industry. In his excellent new retrospective, ‘Bing Surfboards – Fifty Years of Craftsmanship and Innovation’, Paul Holmes discovered what makes Bing tick. Words: Bing Copeland & Paul Holmes Photos: Courtesy of Bing Copeland

Stephen Jones, director of triple-award-winning surf film El Mar Mi Alma, shares his vision of the surf-blessed land of Chile, its people, and the ocean that defines it.

When it comes to surfcraft there's a newcomer making waves. Drift discovers the new world of handplaning with Cornwall's finest craftsmen. Words: Clare Howdle

Auto-follow Surf Drone takes off

July 09, 2014 | Words By:


AirDog, a foldable quadcopter specially designed for action sports enthusiasts who use GoPro cameras, is taking flight in a kickstarter campaign.

AirDog automatically follows you wherever you go. It isn’t stopped by rain, freezing temperatures or massive waves and will follow a signal from the programmable tracker that comes with the quadcoptor called AirLeash.
The leash is a small waterproof computerized tracker with software and sensors inside that sends signals to the AirDog, indicating exact movement and trajectory. Meanwhile a 2 axis gyro-stabilized gimbal makes sure that your aerial videos are as stable as using a tripod.

Here is more on how it works


While we are unsure on how aviation authorities will view such drones in the future it can’t be denied that the technology is incredibly impressive.
One thing is for sure it will certainly make for an interesting line-up with surfers vying for space on the water while the drones battle it out above. We are going to need someone to film that…

Click here to visit the Kickstarter page


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