Matt Rohrer shares some of the highlights of his conversations with Bay Area surfer Jimmy Holt, focal point of one of the few surfing photos to ever appear in National Geographic Magazine. Selected photos: Jim Shaw

Using locally sourced timber and having designed a manufacturing process that minimises waste, Mike LaVecchia of Grain Surfboards has cornered the market in beautiful, sustainable wooden boards. And the best bit? They ride like a dream. Photos: Nick LaVecchia

Dane Peterson and Belinda Peterson-Baggs recently travelled to Indonesia with aid supplies that are still much in demand nearly four years after the tsunami... Words: Belinda Peterson-Baggs Photos: Dane Peterson; Adam Kobayashi

Ian Battrick and Tim Nunn take a journey around the North Atlantic isle of Iceland to put the finishing touches to their book, out this Autumn. Join them on their journey.
Photos Tim Nunn and Ian Battrick Words Tim Nunn

A sign on the 130-year-old pier at Saltburn-by-the-Sea warns people not to jump off it. On a big surf day surfers make their way to the end of the sturdy 206 metre structure and jump like lemmings into the cold, murky North Sea. Words: Simon Palmer Photos: Ian Forsyth

James Bowden kissed goodbye to Blighty and set off for Tasmania's wild in January this year. He shares some of his findings along the way with his own distinctive style.

Broken Dreams at Bastion Point

November 22, 2013 | Words By:

Broken Dreams at Bastion PointBastion Point, in VIctoria, Australia, has entered the second sad week of witnessing the continued destruction of their beloved home point. After more than 10 years of fighting ill conceived plans for a new breakwater and boat ramp at Bastion Point, bulldozers have begun their task of destroying a national treasure.

Support the Save Bastion Point! Campaign. Please Take Action Today:

It is critical that we strongly lobby the Napthine Government with these messages. You can do so by any/all of the following methods:

Another protest rally against this devastating development will be held this Friday, 22nd November, at 10.30 am outside the Mudbrick Pavilion. The rally will coincide with the so-called Mallacoota Ocean Access Boat Ramp Community Advisory Committee meeting run by the Council. If you are in Mallacoota, please come. We need your support.

For more information and background on the Save Bastion Point Campaign, click here.

Don’t hesitate to be in touch on
[email protected]
if you require further information or have any queries. Never give up. Thanks for taking action today.

Perfect righthanders at the Point - Dale Winward

Perfect righthanders at the Point - Dale Winward



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